we may arrive suddenly one night'. Turk Sad Zaib Erdogan

We may arrive suddenly one night, Turk Sad Zaib Erdogan

"Greece and other countries that have offended him, understand Ankara's message," Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said in a statement. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan added that "we may arrive overnight" - see his statement "Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan's Threat to Greece and Opposing Countries 'We may arrive overnight.'" A statement condemned by Greece and some other Western nations as alarming for the neighboring country.

we may arrive suddenly one night'. Turk Sad Zaib Erdogan
we may arrive suddenly one night. Turk Sad Zaib Erdogan

The Prime Minister of Malaysia dissolved the Parliament.

Addressing the opening meeting of the European political community, Zeib Erdoğan said that there is nothing to discuss with Greece at the moment. He has been accused in Athens of basing his policies 'on lies'. While the European community is very concerned about the statement "we may arrive overnight" and continues to attribute this narrative to the region's crisis.

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