7 mistakes before sleep that make us fat in sleep

7 mistakes before sleep that make us fat in sleep

 While excess body weight makes a person sluggish and lazy, it also causes many other diseases and according to a study, Obesity shortens life. According to experts, 7 mistakes before sleep that make us fat in sleep and weight gain for no reason is linked to bedtime habits if you recognize these weight gain habits and give them up, you will get rid of obesity and your health will improve. will get

7 mistakes before sleep that make us fat in sleep
7 mistakes before sleep that make us fat in sleep

This article covers 7 bedtime habits that can make us gain weight while we sleep and harm our health.

No. 1 late-night meal

We all know that eating after 6 pm is not a good habit, but still, most people have late-night dinners and snacks before going to bed. Experts say that eating late at night is a major cause of weight gain and this habit increases our cholesterol, affects insulin levels in the body, and disrupts hormones, so eat at least 2 hours before going to bed. It should be taken and remember that the calories you eat if you do not use them through exercise etc., then these calories start accumulating in your body in the form of fat.

No. 2 Tea and coffee before bed

Consuming tea and coffee before going to bed at night can also affect your health and disturbs your sleep according to modern research, you should not drink tea and coffee 6 hours before going to bed because of the chlorogenic acid contained in coffee according to science. There is a close connection with obesity and experts say that if the habit of tea and coffee before going to sleep is replaced by a cup of green tea, it has many good effects on health.

Number 3: Not getting enough sleep

According to experts, 7 to 8 hours of sleep per day is necessary for our body and if this sleep is not taken, health problems begin to arise. According to modern research, sleep disturbance and lack of sleep are closely related to our body's metabolism and it creates very bad effects on metabolism disorder and can also lead to obesity.

Exercise number 4

Exercise and physical movement play a very important role in reducing obesity, they speed up the body's metabolism and help burn excess calories that are stored in the body as fat. If you do 15 minutes a day Even if you walk then you can burn around 100 calories which are 700 calories in a week and you can lose more than 4 kg weight in a year with this routine.

Number 5: Using electronic devices before going to bed

Research shows that the blue light emitted from the screen of mobile phones etc. disturbs our sleep and sleep disorder is a major cause of obesity.

No. 6 Waking up late

Believe it or not, experts say that people who wake up early in the morning have less body fat than those who wake up late and they don't suffer from obesity, and the reason for this is the early morning light that late risers get. It doesn't happen.

No. 7 Improper color

Light blue is a calming color; if you use it in your bedroom and bed sheets, it will make your sleep deep and restful, and red and malting will increase energy levels. are also appetizing, so pay attention to the colors you use in your bedroom and choose soothing colors.


These 7 mistakes before sleeping are the ones that make us fat in our sleep, obesity is the cause of many diseases in the body, so avoid these mistakes and save your life from obesity and live a healthy life.

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