Impact of COVID-19 on The Maternal Health | KnArticle


Maternal and Neonatal Health Services Affected by COVID-19 in Nepal: A Scoping Review

Maternal and newborn health care in Nepal has been one of the major areas impacted by the COVID-19 epidemic, which has caused significant difficulties in a number of sectors. To understand the immediate and long-term effects of the pandemic on mother and newborn health in the nation, we intend to consolidate the current evidence in this scoping review.

Direct Effects

Significant effects of COVID-19 have been seen on mother and infant health, with the following consequences:

1. Enhanced Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Risk

Pregnant women are particularly at risk from the virus' respiratory characteristics, especially if they already have underlying medical issues. Maternal mortality and morbidity rates have increased as a result in Nepal during the epidemic.

2. Enhanced Chance of Preterm Birth

COVID-19-infected pregnant mothers are more likely to deliver their babies early. The virus may cause issues that call for premature births, endangering both the mother and the unborn child.

3. Enhanced Chance of Low Birth Weight

The growth and development of the fetus may be impacted by COVID-19, which may increase the likelihood that neonates may be underweight at birth.

4. Enhanced Chance of Neonatal Death

Due to the possibility of the virus being passed from the mother to the child, newborns born to mothers who have COVID-19 infection are at increased risk of dying during the neonatal period.

The virus's effects on respiratory health, which increase the vulnerability of pregnant women and babies, are the immediate repercussions. Furthermore, it has become difficult for expectant moms to get essential treatment during this crucial time due to interruptions in healthcare services.

Direct Consequences:

In addition to its direct effects, COVID-19 has various indirect effects on maternal and newborn health:

1. Worsening Economic Conditions

Many families, especially expectant mothers, have experienced job losses and financial instability as a consequence of the epidemic. Their capacity to obtain appropriate treatment and assistance throughout pregnancy and labor has been hampered by their financial difficulties.

2. Growing Social Isolation

Lockdowns and other social isolation strategies have made it harder for pregnant women to get emotional support and may even cause psychological anguish.

3. Domestic Violence Is Up!

Pregnant women's mental and physical health has been negatively impacted by the regrettable rise in domestic violence incidents brought on by the stress brought on by the epidemic and economic uncertainty.

4. Worse Depression and Anxiety

Pregnant women's worry and despair levels have increased as a result of the pandemic's uncertainty, which has an effect on their general well-being and may have an influence on the unborn child.


In conclusion, Nepal's maternal and neonatal health services have been seriously damaged by the COVID-19 epidemic. Indirect effects include economic hardship, social isolation, spousal violence, and an increase in anxiety and despair. Direct effects include higher chances of maternal mortality, premature delivery, low birth weight, and neonatal death.


Collective efforts are needed to address the problems maternal and neonatal health in Nepal encountered during and after the epidemic. The following suggestions are put forth:

1. Expand Access to Maternal and Newborn Health Services

Access to mother and newborn health care should be maintained during the epidemic and beyond. Reaching rural places might be made possible via telehealth and mobile clinics.

2. Offer families and expectant mothers financial support

Financial assistance programs should be put in place to help expectant mothers and their families, particularly those who are struggling financially as a result of the epidemic.

3. Encourage social support for expectant mothers and their families

To provide emotional support and lessen the social isolation experienced by pregnant women during these trying times, community support groups and helplines might be developed.

4. Offer families and expectant mothers mental health services.

In order to address the rising incidence of anxiety and depression among expectant women and their families, access to mental health treatments should be improved.

Top 5 FAQs About Impact of COVID-19 on Maternal Health | KnArticle

1. Is childbirth at a hospital safe during the pandemic?

   To guarantee safe births during the pandemic, hospitals have put in place stringent infection control procedures. Pregnant women are urged to adhere to recommended healthcare practices and seek medical help when necessary.

2. How can ladies who are expecting to defend themselves against COVID-19?

   To lower their chance of exposure to COVID-19, pregnant women should practice good hygiene, use masks, maintain social distancing, and adhere to medical recommendations.

3. Can pregnant women get the COVID-19 vaccine?

   In order to get the most accurate information on the COVID-19 vaccine, expectant mothers should speak with their healthcare providers.

4. What assistance is offered to expectant moms who are struggling financially?

   For expectant mothers in need, a number of governmental and non-governmental organizations provide financial aid and other services.

5. How can communities assist expectant mothers in the midst of the pandemic?

   Communities may play a crucial role by giving moral support, practical assistance, and raising knowledge of the range of healthcare options.

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