The COVID-19 Severity Tied to Hidden Cancer, Study Finds | KnArticle


Severe COVID-19 patients are more likely to have cancer that hasn't been identified, a study has shown that severe.

According to recent research, those with severe COVID-19 symptoms had a higher risk of developing cancer that had not yet been recognized than those with moderate or no symptoms.

The Relationship between Undiagnosed Cancer and Severe COVID-19

Examining the Information: Study Findings

The research examined information from more than 100,000 Americans who were hospitalized with COVID-19 and was published in the journal JAMA Oncology. Researchers discovered that persons with severe COVID-19 symptoms had a 2.5 times greater chance of having cancer than those with moderate or no symptoms. According to the study's authors, even in cases when there are no symptoms, patients with significant COVID-19 should be checked for cancer.

Supporting Data: Previous Studies Support the Results

The study's conclusions are backed by earlier studies. According to a 2020 research that appeared in the journal Nature Medicine, cancer patients were more likely than non-patients to be admitted to the hospital with COVID-19. According to the study's authors, cancer may impair immune function and increase an individual's susceptibility to infection.

Understanding the Mechanisms: The Relationship Between Severe COVID-19 and Cancer

According to the study's authors, these results may assist to explain why some COVID-19 patients have severe illness while others show just little or no symptoms. According to reports, individuals with severe COVID-19 may be suffering from an undiagnosed malignancy that is impairing their immune system.

The significance of cancer screening for patients with severe COVID-19

The results of the research are especially significant since they imply that cancer screening may be crucial for those who have had severe COVID-19. Even if there are no symptoms, the researchers advise anybody with significant COVID-19 to contact their doctor about being checked for cancer.

Factors Causing Severe COVID-19 in Patients with Cancer

Some of the factors that may increase a person's risk of having severe COVID-19 include the following:

  • - Immune system weakened as a result of cancer therapy.
  • - Cancer may lead to inflammation, which can facilitate the virus's entry and spread throughout the body.
  • - Tumors brought on by cancer may obstruct blood arteries or airways, making it more difficult for the body to fight against infections.

Protection of Cancer Patients: Advice from Healthcare Professionals

It is crucial that you discuss COVID-19 protection with your doctor if you have cancer. Your doctor may advise being immunized, scheduling regular exams, and adhering to a balanced diet to boost your immune system. In order to improve your ability to fight against infection, your doctor may also provide recommendations on how to treat cancer symptoms like pain and tiredness.

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