5 Points on The 48,500 Year Old Zombie Virus That Scientists Discovered

5 Points on The 48,500 Year Old Zombie Virus That Scientists Discovered
5 Points on The 48,500 Year Old Zombie Virus That Scientists Discovered

Zombie virus: As the world's temperature rises, various glaciers and permafrost are melting, unleashing viruses that have been imprisoned for many years. 
According to researcher Jean-Marie Alempic from the French National Centre for Scientific Research, releasing the bacteria into the environment would represent a serious risk to public health.

A number of glaciers and permafrost are melting as the global temperature rises, freeing bacteria that have been imprisoned in the icy grasp for generations. One of them is a "zombie virus" that has been reactivated and dates back about 50,000 years.

Over a dozen ancient viruses were discovered by researchers from the French National Center for Scientific Research in the Russian-Siberian area.

The release of hazardous ancient microbes buried deep beneath the permanently frozen zone known as permafrost is now the primary concern of climate change, as opposed to earlier concerns about the number of greenhouse gases being released from the Northern Hemisphere's frost melting as a result of this effect.

Nine of the thirteen items included in the study are thought to be tens of thousands of years old, according to the experts. Other viruses were discovered in the intestines of a Siberian wolf and the wool of a mammoth, both of which were preserved in the Siberian permafrost.

The resurrected virus is discussed in five points:

Point No 1- According to Science Alert, the amoeba virus is one of 13 described in recent research that is presently in publication. It was discovered below a lake.

Point No 2- Due to its size and the frozen soil it was discovered in, the resurrected virus has been given the moniker "Pandoravirus" yedoma. The research describing its finding is on bioRxiv but has not yet undergone peer review.

Point No 3- In addition to the "zombie virus," Siberian wolf guts and wool from a mammoth have also been discovered beneath the permafrost.

Point No 4- According to scientists, the increased rate at which the ice is melting due to the rising global temperature is releasing an increasing amount of microorganisms. They have cautioned that these bacteria may include diseases that might be hazardous.

Point No 5- The analysis is based on a "moderate" warming scenario in which the average global temperature rise by 2100 is predicted to be between 2 and 3 degrees Celsius.

Many social media users immediately rushed to social media to share their views after hearing about the "Zombie viruses." "How can you trap a zombie virus in ice for 50,000, go retrieve it, and bring it back hahaha, and if zombies never existed how was it a virus in the first place?" said a Twitter user. Lol"

Someone else said, "Researchers discovered 13 previously unknown viruses concealed in Serbian ice. Prepare your crops and select 3 companions to fight/survive against the impending APOCALYPSE. Who knows what will transpire during the next 50 years?


To determine the risk that these infectious organisms may provide when they are finally released into the atmosphere, more research is required.

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